Top 10 Argentinian Dishes You Need to Try

From the success of my last "Top 10...Dishes" post I made about Turkish food, I wanted to continue this series with Argentinian food. I spent last fall visiting Argentina, and I ate so many distinctive and delicious dishes to my heart's content. It's especially known to be the land of asado, from its classic strip … Continue reading Top 10 Argentinian Dishes You Need to Try

Destination: Temecula, California (Part 2)

Vineyards at Ponte Winery (July 2021) While visiting Temecula, one cannot leave without going wine tasting. As the city is home to dozens of vineyards and wineries, it's a must to go to at least one of them to sample the region's wine. I like wine, and I like trying out wines from all over, … Continue reading Destination: Temecula, California (Part 2)

Top 10 Georgian Dishes You Need to Try

Besides many people never hearing about the country of Georgia, it's even less likely that they would know what Georgian food is. In fact, I didn't even know what it was until I tried it for the first time in 2018 in Prague at a small, Georgian restaurant. Since then, I've been to Georgia itself, … Continue reading Top 10 Georgian Dishes You Need to Try

Destination: Kutaisi, Georgia

The city of Kutaisi is the third most-populous in Georgia, after Tbilisi and Batumi. Located about 220 kilometers (140 miles) west of Tbilisi, this small city had briefly been the capital of Georgia between 2012 and 2018, before being passed back to Tbilisi-- it even had a Parliament built, but it was never used! Today, … Continue reading Destination: Kutaisi, Georgia

Destination: Bordeaux, France

Bonjour! Just like with my other posts, I'll be sharing my past travels from les vacances d'hiver during my first year as an assistante. Considering that this year's will be starting very soon, I thought that I would reflect on my vacation from before, as means of ushering in the new one once it arrives. With that said, c'est parti! … Continue reading Destination: Bordeaux, France