Malibu Mornings (poem)

(inspired by Malibu in Los Angeles-- May 2021) Malibu Mornings Waves lap over my toessavoring that last biteof sunrise by the sea: I see how the Pacific glidesunder gulls returning to shoreat the start of the day, After sleeping, dreaming aboutthat glorious hourwaking up to mornings in Malibu To sunny eggs and toastand you holding … Continue reading Malibu Mornings (poem)

Seven Years of Blogging! (Q&A)

Hello! This is my seventh year of blogging, and it's wild just how fast time flies... However, I still remember when I first set up Rebecca Goes Rendezvous way back in 2016: I had just finished my first year of teaching English abroad in France and had traveled a ton throughout Europe that I wanted … Continue reading Seven Years of Blogging! (Q&A)

Welcome to my (New) Blog!

Notting Hill, London, UK (March 2023) Welcome / Bienvenue / 歡迎 ! A few days ago, I finally bit the bullet and purchased my own blog domain: While it's not a self-host website, it's still my own blog and by paying a little more, I get to have more creative freedom in customizing themes, … Continue reading Welcome to my (New) Blog!

Ask Me Questions (Q&A)…and a little update!

Greetings! As it has been for the past two years, it's around this time of year in which I ask you to ask me questions! I've been doing this little Q&A during the month of July, as it's around this time (specifically, July 30th) that it's my blog anniversary! I'll be coming up on 7 … Continue reading Ask Me Questions (Q&A)…and a little update!

Al Mare (poem)

(inspired by the Cinque Terre, Italy-- May 2016) Al Mare Step by step,the hike never seemed so treacherouslike the precarious railings which seemto quake in fear with each crash al mareby the rocks that crumble like cakeand fallingfallingdown into the mouth of waves— Rustic vineyards yield grapes full of sugaralong the face of the mountain, … Continue reading Al Mare (poem)