Top 10 Argentinian Dishes You Need to Try

From the success of my last "Top 10...Dishes" post I made about Turkish food, I wanted to continue this series with Argentinian food. I spent last fall visiting Argentina, and I ate so many distinctive and delicious dishes to my heart's content. It's especially known to be the land of asado, from its classic strip … Continue reading Top 10 Argentinian Dishes You Need to Try

Destination: Copenhagen, Denmark

In the summer of 2012 following my first year in college, I went on a trip with my family to northern Europe for the first time. We spent eight to ten days primarily in the Scandinavian countries, with brief jaunts in Berlin and St. Petersburg. It was something new and unexpected, as I had little … Continue reading Destination: Copenhagen, Denmark

10 Best Meals I’ve Had in Europe

When it comes to sightseeing in different countries throughout Europe, the whole experience isn't complete without at least trying the local cuisine. Although I'm personally a very budget-conscious traveler, I'm willing to splurge a bit and treat myself to at least one nice meal while visiting the country. Then again, not all great meals have … Continue reading 10 Best Meals I’ve Had in Europe