Destination: Buenos Aires, Argentina (Tango Tour, Bookstores, and Empanadas– PART 2)

El Ateneo bookstore (November 2022) (for Part 1 of Buenos Aires, read here) After a visit to Recoleta Cemetery and some heavenly gelato, I wasn't ready to return to my hotel just yet. I headed to my next stop: El Ateneo Grand Splendid (or "El Ateneo," for short). My airport transfer guide from the night … Continue reading Destination: Buenos Aires, Argentina (Tango Tour, Bookstores, and Empanadas– PART 2)

Destination: Buenos Aires, Argentina (24-Hour Flight, City Tour, and Incredible Gelato– PART 1)

Plaza de Mayo (November 2022) Argentina had been on my bucket list for years, and it finally came to fruition last November. With the world opened up to travel following the worst of the COVID pandemic, I decided to just go for it and began planning my trip as early as August. After consulting with … Continue reading Destination: Buenos Aires, Argentina (24-Hour Flight, City Tour, and Incredible Gelato– PART 1)

Hotel Review: Palacio Duhau- Park Hyatt Buenos Aires

Hello, folks! This will be a new travel series on this blog, as I will be reviewing accommodations I've stayed at throughout my travels. I got this idea after my most-recent trip to Argentina, where I stayed at some incredible hotels and had a great time. In fact, this first hotel I'm reviewing first inspired … Continue reading Hotel Review: Palacio Duhau- Park Hyatt Buenos Aires