Hello, all!

Welcome back to my yearly(-ish) “Life Update” post, where I take a step back and fill you in on what I’ve been up to since the last update. Previously, it was last year in September, and a lot has happened since then. I admit, there were more challenges I experienced this year compared to the past couple of years, but I’m learning to be present and to take things gradually as they come.

If you’ve been following me for the last few years, you would know that I’d been at a crossroads with my current job: I don’t find it very fulfilling, and I had issues juggling a work-life balance last year. However, I finally(!) got approved for full-time telework this spring, which was a huge step that I’m super grateful for. It took me over two years to get it, but a win’s a win and I’m really enjoying it: I no longer have to report to the office (thereby saving gas and travel time), and I actually have more time for myself. Although I don’t envision myself continuing this job long-term, I appreciate what I’ve got and a *sort-of* better work-life balance until I find the next opportunity to promote or find another position in my field of work.

I also mentioned in my last “Life Update” post that I was in a relationship– I’m still with my partner, and now we’ve been together for over a year! Things are still good, and we’ve taken the big steps in meeting each other’s families and friends, as well as going on a few vacations together. Granted, we’ve also had our ups and downs, but we’ve learned to talk it through (communication is sexy, guys) and to be there for each other. We’re still figuring a lot of things out, but until then, we’re doing our best to be present and to continue going on adventures together!

When I wrote about “more challenges” this past year, I was referring to a lot of personal stuff that had happened– and has been happening. I won’t get into the details, but I will say that these certain events have forced me to look into myself and realize that there’s a lot of unresolved conflict and trauma I’ve held onto throughout my life. I’d considered myself someone who could handle things when the going gets tough, but turns out I can’t do it by myself all the time. I recently started therapy, which has been helping me to pinpoint and acknowledge my issues, as well as to help with my anxiety and stress. As it’s still early on, I’m seeing how this goes, and to do by best to take care of myself more.

Finally, travel. Following over two years of COVID and limited travel, I was able to take two international trips recently: I went to Argentina (with bits of Brazil and Uruguay) last November and a return trip to England and France this March. With the world more-or-less done with COVID (although it may not be done with us…), I am more comfortable going out again and resuming my adventures, near and far. I’ve also gone on a good handful of trips within California this year with my partner, to the Central Coast and Catalina Island. It’s going to take some time for me to get through writing about my trips, but definitely look out for my Argentina posts hitting this blog next month! And definitely expect for another overseas trip to come soon…

20230617_155642Catalina Island (June 2023)

…that’s about it for now! As said, a lot has happened since last September, this time with more challenges and responsibilities to face. And since turning 30 earlier this year, I’ve come to realize that I’m not as young anymore, and it’s all the more important to take better care of myself: eating better, stressing less, and learning to build and sustain the relationships I have. It’s going to take time, but honestly, I have plenty of time to figure it out. I’ll see what the 30’s hold in store for me, and I’m on for the ride!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re having a wonderful day! Take care. 🙂

— Rebecca

66 thoughts on “Life Update #17: Turning 30, More Traveling, and Learning Self-Care

      1. I didn’t go till my 40s. I’m more of a nightlife person and it was winter so, minus the tour I took, I was bored out of my mind. Would have loved it if I’d been prepared to kayak or knew someone with a boat!

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    1. It has been a great change, and it’s one that I can handle for the time being. I won’t divulge where exactly I’m traveling to just yet, but know it’ll be a part of the world I haven’t visited in a while!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Congratulations on the full-time telework schedule – that’s the dream! (well, my dream, as I have a hybrid work schedule.😀) Good for you for seeking therapy. Self-care is so important. I wish you many more adventures to come! 🥂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations on your full-time telework schedule, Rebecca. When it comes to self-care I find that caring for your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. It means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day. Best of luck with everything 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, that’s the motto! It’s not always easy to take care of oneself, especially when life gets in the way…but doing the best you can with self-care can go a long way! Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Aiva. 🙂

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  3. Congrats on the teleworking (I hate my commute) and the relationship milestone. I remember when the husband and I hit one year together. It was my longest relationship to date (and still is – haha). And hey, therapy is rarely a bad idea, and how great you’ve talked about it, which will help de-stigmatize it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I don’t think I could ever go back to commuting; WFH has been really great! It has been a great first year with my partner, and I look forward to more! Therapy has been helping me so far, so we’ll see how it continues to go! Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂


  4. Congrats on the telework! Not having a commute makes such a difference and it’s so important to have time to yourself to do the things that bring joy. I’m looking forward to reading about your trips! Hope the 30s is the best decade yet for us both 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know! Commuting was just a drain, and now I have more energy not just to do work, but also have a life outside of it. My trips will be published soon, so stay tuned. Wishing you a wonderful 30s ahead likewise!


  5. I would 100% say that life after 30 is more fun than 20. My 20’s felt rushed and everything felt so important all the time. My 30’s have been filled with travel, food and fun.

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  6. We recently found your post, and we got to say we are happy for all you accomplished this past year! As you point out, self-care is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships (and vice versa!). It is also great to read that you have also been traveling as it can be a wonderful form of self-care. It allows you to disconnect from daily stressors, rejuvenate, and return to your relationships with a refreshed perspective and more meaningful communication. Keep going forward!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Life can get tough from time and time, and it’s okay if we have no idea how to deal with certain stuff. When things go as how we want them to be, we must cherish every single moment. But when things get rough, we must keep in mind that a storm won’t last forever. Can’t wait to read about your recent travels, especially Argentina!

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  8. Challenging as it was, it sounds like you had a meaningful and fulfilling year. Glad to hear that your relationship is thriving and you certainly had some fabulous travel experiences. Congratulations on managing to finally secure the long-desired telework. And on starting therapy, it is often the best thing to do for ourselves. Good luck with everything!

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  9. I’m so happy for you thatyou were approved for full-time telework and are enjoying a better work-life balance, it is so important for our mental health! It is also so great that you were able to seek help from a professional for things that you realised you couldn’t solve alone. I hope it will help you face everything else that will come you way!

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