1000 follows


A couple of days ago, I hit 1000 follows on my blog! It’s been three years in the making, but I’m very happy to have reached this milestone. I thank all of you who continue to read and follow my adventures on this website.

In return, I would like to dedicate this milestone to a “25 Facts About Me” list, as I realize that, in the three years I’ve been blogging here, I haven’t actually written a “get-to-know-me” post. I think it’s a good time to share a little bit of myself, aside from what you already know from my About page. Plus, I enjoy filling out these kinds of “list-y” posts, as they’re a fun and informative way to better connect me, the writer, to all of you who read this blog (guess that’s a fact in itself, so #26?).

I have selected 25 random facts about me, some related to my passions and hobbies, and others to quirky stuff I like or do. You can also bet that a few will be related to travel! I hope you’ll like this easy, breezy kind of post, even if it did take me a while to rack my brain for 25 facts! Enjoy!

25 Facts About Me

1. I’m an early bird: if I need to be up before 5:00 (e.g. early flight, catch the sunrise), I will!

2. As a kid, I was a huge picky eater. Today, I’m open to trying anything at least once (even insects!).

3. Whenever I travel, I always try to get a postcard at every place I visit. I currently have enough to fill an entire scrapbook (and a half)!

4. I have an irrational fear of balloons, i.e. globophobia. It stems from the sudden, explosive noise when they pop!

5. My primary spoken languages are English, French, and Mandarin Chinese.

6. In the past, I’ve dabbled with German and Italian, and I’d like to try my hand at Portuguese.

7. I’m very much a planner, although I’ve slowly started to accept more spontaneity into my life.

8. I love a good city/nature view– whether it’s climbing towers or taking cable cars, I want to see the world from above!

9. I grew up in Los Angeles, but I’ve never been to Hollywood.

10. I don’t like going to the beach. The feeling of getting sand between my toes and swimming in the ocean grosses me out.

11. My first flight was to Taiwan when I was barely a year old to see family. I remember nothing of it (only in photos)!

12. I’m an incredibly shy and introverted person, if you were to meet (or have met) me. It used to be more extreme as a kid, but I think I’ve gotten a lot better as an adult.

13. My guilty pleasures include wine, bad sitcoms, and YA novels.

14. I’m a first generation Taiwanese-American. 

15. I have a birthmark in a place where I actually can’t see it: the back of my neck. I had a friend once take a photo of it, because I was curious to see what it looked like.

16. Penguins are my favorite animal. My cousin bestowed my love for them, because apparently I resembled one as a kid.

17. I’m an absolute sucker for puppies; they’ll always have my heart. ❤

18. In recent years, I’ve really come to love bold, spicy food (e.g. Korean, Indian, Mexican…). And it’s come to the point that I add hot sauce to almost everything I eat!

19. I have an aversion to polo shirts– I refuse to wear them, so you’ll never see me in one.

20. When it comes to playing contact sports, I’m absolutely terrible. I really like doing individual sports like running or swimming.

21. As of 2019, I’ve been to 34 of the 44 countries in Europe.

22. I’m left-handed.

23. Maybe it’s a matter of getting older, but I find myself craving savory foods over sweets (whereas it was the complete opposite just a few years ago). I still like desserts, but I don’t find myself going after them as much.

24. I much prefer cold weather to hot weather. That, or the perpetual 70°F/20°C climate I’m accustomed to in LA (yes, I’m spoiled!).

25. Tea over coffee, any day. Favorites include masala chai, Moroccan mint, and oolong.


Thanks for reading, and thanks once again for your support on this blog!


— Rebecca



10 thoughts on “1000 Follows! (and 25 Facts About Me)

  1. Tea over coffee any day for me too! (Preferably Yorkshire Tea 🙂) I also love collecting postcards on my travels, though in hindsight I wish I’d thought to note the date and write a bit about the place on the back of them!

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